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Why do a Past Life Regression?

Align Energy Connection

Do you have patterns or relationships you can't seem to change, people or place you are inexplicably drawn to or repelled by? The Soul remembers all your lives as one continuum and does not differentiate this body, this life from others.  Just as experiences you had in your childhood can affect you, so too can experiences in your Past Lives.  Positive and negative experiences from previous lifetimes can have physical, emotional, and psychological effects in this lifetime.  Reoccurring patterns that result from our past lives can often be hard to puzzle out in this life.  Because the goal of the Soul is to get to a high vibrational state, there are lessons to learn and healing to be done along the way.  We have chosen this physical incarnation in this lifetime because there is something our soul wants to accomplish, to learn, to heal that can only be done in this incarnation, with these people and these situations.  Having information from previous lives can help us along this journey. The clarity a past life regression session can bring, can help you see people, situations, and yourself from a new perspective.   The information you gather from a past life regression allows you to choose a better way to deal with difficult situations. Perhaps you can approach them differently, or let them go, knowing that they are just an echo of the past. 

What does a PLR Session look like?

A Past Life Regression session takes approximately 90 minutes. We begin with a short intake process discussing what you might be struggling with, are curious about and/or would like more information about. This might be related to your health, recurring patterns, or relationships.  After I explain the process, you lie fully clothed on a massage table under a light blanket. I use a guided meditation to bring your brain waves to a sweet spot where you are awake and conscious and 100% in control but where you are relaxed enough to bypass the conscious mind and access your subconscious which is where all these memories, all this information is stored. 

One of your past lives is presented to you, and with no judgement, we undertake a fact-finding mission to discover the root causes of things that might be difficult to figure out in your current life without this higher perspective.  This information can help create understanding as to why you might feel a certain way, be drawn or repelled by certain people or things, it might clarify health issues or explain why patterns keep repeating in this life.  During the regression, I ask non leading questions to help you explore the life presented and as you answer out loud, we explore the life together.  Once that life is completed, and before the regression is finished, I speak to your higher self. There is an opportunity to create karmic healing by speaking to others that you had contact with during the life presented so that hurt or guilt can be healed on both sides and the karmic bond can be released. I ask your higher self questions from your intake that may not have yet answered. I also ask for any other advice or messages that your higher self wants you to know.  

This new information and healing can help you either work more easily through current challenges or simply let some go.   Although this is not a replacement to professional health care, a great deal of healing can be achieved.  There is time at the end of the session to discuss and integrate the information gained.  All sessions are kept completely confidential.  The session is recorded and sent to you to keep. I also offer a complimentary 10 min phone call after the regression if you have any follow up questions.

If you have further questions please contact me, I'm happy to answer them for you!

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